Assessing our Students

Sessions Students are evaluated and have their progress assessed in several different manners.

We use the Elementary Student Progress Report from San Diego Unified School District. We employ the IB Learner Profile over the course of a school year to illustrate how well our students display the habits of an International Baccalaureate student. Students also self-evaluate and present their conclusions in our Student-led Conferences.

Elementary Student Progress Report

Students are evaluated on their achievement of grade level skills, strategies and concepts identified in the California Content Standards. The marks for each grading period indicate the student’s progress toward expectations on a scale of 4 to 1:

4 - Exceeding grade level expectations

3 - Meeting grade level expectations

2 - Approaching grade level expectations

1 - Beginning progress toward grade level expectations

The progress reports will also provide information about the student's Social, Citizenship, and Learning Skills.

IB Learner Profile

In addition to the regular report card covering grade level standards, we report out on how well our students our students are doing with the Learner Profile. Teachers grade students based upon how often students are displaying the qualities of an International Baccalaureate student. The report card is shown to parents at our first conference session and then sent home at the second and third conferences.

Student-led Conferences

In the spring we hold Student-led Conferences. This is an opportunity for students to share their perception on what they have learned, what their next steps should be and reflect on parts of the year that were particularly powerful for them.

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