Student Site Council



The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with Federal and State funded programs.

School Site Councils provide oversight of the academic planning and budgeting process associated with the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) in order to meet the needs of all students. SSCs provide meaningful consultation with the principal to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and revision of the SPSA, including reviewing and analyzing data; consulting with advisory groups; evaluating programs and activities; and allocating the expenditure of funds available to the school through categorical programs

The SSC is required at all schools in the San Diego Unified School District.


School Site Councils are comprised of parents, community members, staff, and students at secondary schools, who are selected by each of their constituent groups.

At the elementary level, the minimum number of members is ten. The elementary SSC is comprised of half parents and community members; and half school personnel, with classroom teachers in the majority, and one other staff member (not a classroom teacher).

At the secondary level (high schools), the minimum number of members on the SSC is twelve. Membership is comprised of one quarter students, one quarter parents and community members; and half school personnel, with classroom teachers in the majority, and one other staff member (not a classroom teacher). Middle schools may select to use either the elementary or secondary model.

The principal is an ex-officio member of the SSC. A School Site Council may have more members, as long as the correct configuration for elementary or secondary schools is maintained.

Education Code 52852 requires that the SSC be configured as follows:

Elementary Schools

Elementary Model - Minimum of ten (10) members

50% Parents/Community Members
(minimum of 5)
  • Parents must have a child currently enrolled in the school.
  • Parents/community members may not be employed at the school site.
50% School Personnel
(minimum of 5)
  • Principal (automatic member)
  • Minimum of three (3) Classroom Teachers
  • Minimum of one (1) Other School Representative*
  • Classroom teachers must be in the majority.

*Other School Representative is defined as follows: At least one staff member who is not a classroom teacher must be included on the SSC. The SSC shall design and conduct elections for these staff members to elect their representative. Examples: ELST, office staff, resource teachers, custodian.

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